Max is a big boy and is very solid. He is AKC, and DNA Registered #928721 as well as OFA Certified "Good". Max is DNA health certified from Paw Prints Laboratory number 155893. Max is mostly clear and carriers the DNM1 gene (EIC) which means we only breed with a girl that is clear with this same Gene to avoid any genetic issues. Please do your research on this issue you can be a carrier but never produce this issue if bred properly.
Max is a gentle boy and seems to attract attention wherever we go. I love this bloodline and have produced many proven puppies from this line. Max is another one of those typical English with that gentle side and seems to be attached to me at the hip. Any room I go to I can find Max by my side usually looking up as if to say what are doing here and can I help. He also expects the last bite of whatever I am eating. I always encourage anyone interested in a puppy to come visit and meet the dogs. If you like the parents, you will love the puppies that come from them.